Introduction to Java

1. Introduction to Java

History of Java:
  1. In 1990, Sun Micro Systems Inc. (US) was conceived a project to develop software for consumer electronic devices that could be controlled by a remote. This project was called Stealth Project but later its name was changed to Green Project
  2. In January 1991, Project Manager James Gosling and his team members Patrick Naughton,
    Mike Sheridan, Chris Wrath, and Ed Frank met to discuss about this project.
  3. Gosling thought C and C++ would be used to develop the project. But the problem he faced
    with them is that they were system dependent languages. The trouble with C and C++ (and most other languages) is that they are designed to be compiled for a specific target and could not be used on various processors, which the electronic devices might use.
  4. James Gosling with his team started developing a new language, which was completely
    system independent. This language was initially called OAK. Since this name was registered by some other company, later it was changed to Java.
  5. James Gosling and his team members were consuming a lot of coffee while developing this
    language. Good quality of coffee was supplied from a place called “Java Island’. Hence they
    fixed the name of the language as Java. The symbol for Java language is cup and saucer.
  6. Sun formally announced Java at Sun World conference in 1995. On January 23rd 1996,
    JDK1.0 version was released.

Features of Java (Java buzz words):
· Simple: Learning and practicing java is easy because of resemblance with c and C++.

· Object Oriented Programming Language: Unlike C++, Java is purely OOP.

· Distributed: Java is designed for use on network; it has an extensive library which works in
agreement with TCP/IP.

· Secure: Java is designed for use on Internet. Java enables the construction of virus-free,
tamper free systems.

· Robust (Strong/ Powerful): Java programs will not crash because of its exception handling
and its memory management features.

· Interpreted: Java programs are compiled to generate the byte code. This byte code can be
downloaded and interpreted by the interpreter. .class file will have byte code instructions and
JVM which contains an interpreter will execute the byte code.

· Portable: Java does not have implementation dependent aspects and it yields or gives same
result on any machine.

· Architectural Neutral Language: Java byte code is not machine dependent, it can run on
any machine with any processor and with any OS.

· High Performance: Along with interpreter there will be JIT (Just In Time) compiler which
enhances the speed of execution.

· Multithreaded: Executing different parts of program simultaneously is called
multithreading. This is an essential feature to design server side programs.
· Dynamic: We can develop programs in Java which dynamically change on Internet (e.g.:

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